Monday, 18 February 2013

Run Away From Lust

Everything born of LUST will never LAST and premarital sex or sexual immorality is like a bank account, once you withdraw you will loose some interest. 

The consequences of premarital sex are so great and in my short time of Ministry I have seen many people being used and get dumped, while some suffering with heartbreaks, miscarriages, divorce, their children following the same path.

God will forgive your sins, but the consequences will follow. Moses repented but God never allowed him to enter the promised land, the consequences of his disobedience followed. David could not build God a temple, Saul couldn't remain as King because of the consequences of his sin. Samson lost his power, eyes.

Flee from the lusts of the flesh. Please read 1 Corinthians 6 : 18 - 20, Romans 13 : 11 - 14, Ephesians 5 : 3, colosians 3 : 5.

Do u have a problem with masturbation, Pornography, premarital       sex, dressing half naked or exposing your sacred body, kissing, cuddling etc?

We are going to be crying before God for all those who really want to repent. 
We are living in the final hour and Jesus is ready to save you.

How to Deal With an Emotionally Distant Husband

Do you have an emotionally distant husband? Does he often “check out” on you or refuse to talk to you? Or maybe he just doesn’t know how to connect emotionally? This is a common problem that many women face in their marriages. It might seem as if your husband doesn’t care about you or that he isn’t interested in you. Sometimes, you may feel like your suffocating under the emotional neglect. Some women even go so far as to say it feels as if their husbands hate them because of this problem.
What can you do if you find yourself in this kind of situation? Is he really uninterested, or is it that he just doesn’t know how to relate in an emotional way? If so, how can you help him to come out of his protective shell without pushing him away? If I may, I would like to offer a man’s perspective on this important issue.

The Problem – Why Husbands Are Emotionally Distant

There are many reasons why husbands can be emotionally distant. We men often find it very difficult to open up emotionally to our wives. In most cases it has nothing to do with whether we are interested in our wives or not. In fact, we want nothing more than to be the best husbands we can be. And that’s exactly where the problem lies. We’re afraid to fail.
It is a scary thing for a man to expose himself emotionally. What if he looks foolish? What if he looks weak? What if he looks like he doesn’t have it all together? What if his wife judges him, or worse, openly criticizes him?
This is scary stuff for a man. Seriously.
Not to mention that most of us just haven’t had much practice in this area. Most men have very few close relationships with other people that we can share this type of stuff with. We internalize our thoughts and emotions and mostly try to find logical ways of dealing with things. Sharing our dreams, desires, fears and conflicts is unnecessary, maybe even counterproductive.
To make the problem worse, men are wired differently than women are. You’ve probably heard that women are multitaskers and men aren’t. Not only do men find it hard to do more than one or two things at a time, but we also find it difficult to hold onto more than a few thoughts in our heads.
If you’re a woman, you probably have about 100 things going on in your head at one time. You’re worried about your kids, you’re thinking about your friend who is having relationship problems, you have a running to do list going, and you have several other hopes, dreams, fears, and concerns all bouncing around in there at the same time.
As a man, I’m usually only thinking about one thing at a time. Usually, if it’s the task I’m currently engaged in. If I’m doing something that doesn’t require much attention then I can think about something else at the same time too. This is why my wife can ask me what I’m thinking about and I can often say “nothing” with complete honesty.
There are plenty of other reasons why I might be emotionally distant from my wife as well. Maybe I’m tired and have had a long day. Maybe I’m irritated because she said something I didn’t like, so I withdraw. Maybe I’m irritated with something that has nothing to do with her. Maybe I’m worried about work or bills or something else. None of these things mean I don’t like my wife or am not interested in her.

The Solution – What To Do When Your Emotional Needs Aren’t Being Met

So here you are left with this gaping need for love, affection, and intimacy on an emotional level. Your husband isn’t meeting this need, either because he’s ill-equipped or he’s in a bad season in his life. How do you, as a women, get your emotional needs fulfilled?
The first thing you should do is stop looking to your husband to meet all of your needs. That isn’t his job. That’s not the purpose of marriage.
Only God can satisfy your deepest needs and desires. It is only when you look to God first that you can have your needs satisfied. Don’t believe me? Look at scripture:
Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalm 37:4 NIV)
When you look to Him first and foremost as the ultimate fulfiller of your desires you will be satisfied. If  you try to get your emotional needs met by your husband, your kids, other relationships, or some romance novel you will find that it just doesn’t work.
That being said, having emotional distance between you and your husband is not part of God’s design for marriage. So how do you help him open up his heart to you?
Have you ever tried to tell your husband how much you need him to open up to you? If so, this is the wrong move. You’re actually pushing him further away by doing this. Why? Let me illustrate.
Your husband thrives on respect. It is the primary thing he needs from you. You need to feel loved, cherished, desired and attractive. Your husband, on the other hand, needs to feel important, accomplished, capable and needed.
If you tell him “I feel like you don’t love me,” you are communicating a need to him. He doesn’t see it that way, though. He feels as if you are calling him a failure. He’s not a good enough husband. And he withdraws even further into his protective shell. He shuts down and shuts up.
So what can you do to fix this situation? You need love. You thrive with it and you wilt without it. The solution?
Give him respect.
Do your best to make him feel like he is the best husband and father in the world without putting the pressure on him to perform. You will find that with some time, he will begin to open up more and more to you. He will start sharing on his own, without needing to be poked and prodded and, dare I say it, nagged.
But it’s not fair,” you may be thinking, “why should I have to be the one to do all the work? Shouldn’t he put in the effort to meet my needs?”
Yes, he should. In a perfect world, you wouldn’t have to worry about it. He’d give you all of the love you need and you would give him all the respect he needs. But this isn’t a perfect world. We live in a fallen world, and both you and your husband are fallen, fallible people.
If you want more love from your husband, give him respect. You can complain about it or you can do it with a cheerful heart and see the results for yourself.

Lessons in Godly Masculinity

Lessons in Godly Masculinity From the Life of King David

One of the best ways to learn what Godly masculinity looks like is to look at the lives of men in the Bible. We can see examples of what these men did right and what they did that was wrong.
In this post I will be taking a look at the life of King David, one of the most masculine men in the whole Bible.

David the Warrior
When he was nothing more than a shepherd boy, David took on bears and lions in order to protect his flock. David implicitly trusted God to give him victory over these beasts.
Later, David faced another beast, the behemoth of a man named Goliath. When David saw that Goliath was mocking Israel’s army he become enraged. David knew that by insulting God’s people, Goliath was actually mocking God Himself. David couldn’t stand for this.
David also saw that all of the soldiers were afraid to face the giant. He couldn’t believe it. God had promised to watch over the Israelites and yet here they were, afraid of a single man.
David trusted in God to protect him. David knew that God cared about His people and would not abandon them and he volunteered to fight Goliath. I love what David says to Goliath right before he kills him:
45 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” (1 Sam 17:45-47, NIV)
Them’s fighting words.
Men, how many of us show the same fortitude? How many of us are willing to take radical risks for the glory of God? Do we stand up for what is right when it isn’t popular? Are we willing to be politically incorrect for God?